Home Alone

Home Alone
Mr B is currently away for a couple of days with work meaning it’s just me and RoryDog at home. Something that even a year ago would not have been possible. Previously October to February… View Post

Medication Foolishness

Medication Foolishness
I have taken medication for my mental health since I was 26 and it became my lifeline after getting my bipolar diagnosis. The process of finding the right mix of medications is not simple or… View Post

How did I get here?

How did I get here?
Today I was going to share my experience of having reiki for the first time (which I will soon). But I thought it might be better to give you an idea of how I came… View Post

Turning 33

Turning 33
The number 3 is my numerology life number. It is the number that I feel is my lucky number. Today I turn 33 it feels emotionally, spiritually and physically like a rebirth for me. 33… View Post